by Alethea Drexler, archives assistant We haven’t had a Thingamajig in awhile but, luckily, we just got a new donation, and new donations often mean new mystery objects. We can thank the estates of Drs. Robert G. McCorkle, junior and senior, for the following: There are two of them, left and right. They’re about… Continue Reading Thingamajig […]
Letterheads: Introduction
by Alethea Drexler, archives assistant I’ve been suffering with computer-related ailments for the past week, but our tireless and good-humored IT department has me back up and running. So, really, this week’s blog post is made possible by them. Thanks, y’all! When I re-boxed some of the Hermann Hospital Estate papers five years ago,… Continue Reading Letterheads: Introduction […]
The Office, 1920's
by Alethea Drexler, archives assistant Let’s take a look at office life, circa 1924. This is the building that housed the Hermann Hospital estate in the 1920’s. The estate was responsible for the business and funding aspect of running the hospital. Here’s a closer view. It seems that road construction was a favorite local… Continue Reading The Office, 1920's […]
Blair Sanitarium
by Alethea Drexler, archives assistant Marie Brannon, one of our volunteers, has been doing a great job sorting through some of our intimidating collection of photographs. What is the first lesson learned by projects such as this? Always document your pictures. I repeat: Always document your pictures. Few things are more frustrating than being confronted… Continue Reading Blair Sanitarium […]
Thingamajig, Part III
by Alethea Drexler, archives assistant I’m pleased to announce that we have cause to revisit the most recent Thingamjig! I did what I often have to do when faced with an object about which I know so little I don’t even know where to start looking: I send emails. Lots of emails. A few… Continue Reading Thingamajig, Part III […]
Thingamajig – The mystery returns
by Alethea Drexler, archives assistant Well, to borrow a sound bite from “Car Talk“, this chump is stumped[2]. The problem with identifying unidentified objects is that it’s very difficult to research them if you don’t know what they are. It’s a little bit like asking how a word is spelled and being told to… Continue Reading Thingamajig – The mystery returns […]
by Alethea Drexler, archives assistant Thingamajigs often make for short posts because I don’t want to give too much away. This one will be an especially short post because, in all honesty, I have no idea what it is. (I guess that solves the “give too much away” problem, doesn’t it? I can’t give… Continue Reading Thingamajig […]
Candid Camera: George H. Hermann
by Alethea Drexler, archives assistant Phil and I found a few boxes of photographs stashed within the Hermann Estate collection when I was looking for hospital-supply ephemera last week. I had not seen these when I re-boxed the collection five years ago because they didn’t contain any business papers. One box consists mostly of… Continue Reading Candid Camera: George H. Hermann […]
Outfitting a hospital, 1925
Alethea Drexler, archives assistant Why, oh, why, didn’t I think to save last week’s post on Piltdown Man for April Fool’s Day? Oh, well. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Moving on from poor blog timing . . . this week takes us back into… Continue Reading Outfitting a hospital, 1925 […]
Stereoscopes, Hominids, and Hoaxes
by Alethea Drexler, archives assistant I hope you’re sitting down, because this post is gonna be a wild ride. Archivist Philip Montgomery brought me a stereoscope image a few days ago and asked me to find out whether the fact that the card on which the photographs were mounted was curved was normal, or… Continue Reading Stereoscopes, Hominids, and Hoaxes […]