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Lab Protocols and Experiments to reduce your research time: JoVE, Springer and Wiley

JoVE Accelerates research with video experiments

The JoVE Research and Education database includes over 25,000 cutting-edge, peer-reviewed videos of laboratory experiments, protocols and techniques–as well as introductory concept videos, designed to educate students at all academic levels, in high school and beyond.

Springer protocols

Springer Protocols has the world’s largest collection of over 75,000 reproducible laboratory protocols in biomedicine and life sciences, covering over 15 subject areas.  Legacy and current versions of protocols are published online as a book series.  SpringerProtocols’s content is available on Springer Nature Experiments, the free-to-use platform with built in AI technology.


Wiley Current Protocols

Wiley Current Protocols is comprised of 18 journals with over 25,000 step-by-step techniques, procedures, and practical overviews that provide researchers with reliable, efficient methods to ensure reproducible results.    


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