In 1660, Sir Christopher Wren founded the first “invisible college of natural philosophers and physicians” known as the “Royal Society of London,” even though its members were not royal. Membership was by invitation only, and therefore a highly selective and elite bunch. Since that time, there has been an explosion of professional medical societies and their… Continue Reading Know your Medical Societies and Associations […]
Computing, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in IEEE Xplore
Anyone working in the field of advanced computing in the sciences, data visualization, computer analysis, 3D modeling or simulations, computational algorithms based on physics, artificial intelligence, robotics or image processing will find valuable content in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and other partners, the IEEE… Continue Reading Computing, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in IEEE Xplore […]
Palliative and End-of-Life Care Resources
Explore a wide range of Palliative and End-of-Life Care resources at the TMC Library. The goal of palliative care is to address the impact of serious illness by managing symptoms, improving quality of life, providing emotional support and ensuring that the plan of care aligns with patient and family goals Care for the dying or… Continue Reading Palliative and End-of-Life Care Resources […]
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) titles in Access Medicine
Medical publishers are expressing their commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) to meet the medical needs and perspectives of all people. DEI texts are titles either entirely on these subjects or standard medical textbooks which include chapters on DEI topics. DEI topics include: racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare, transgender and gender health, sexual and gender health for minorities,… Continue Reading Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) titles in Access Medicine […]
The Contemporary Neurology Series by Oxford University Press
The Contemporary Neurology Series by Oxford University Press features many well-known titles in the field of clinical neurology. Each volume in the series covers historical, clinical, and neuropathological aspects of the disorder in a sufficiently in-depth and comprehensive manner. The CNS includes such well-known titles as Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma, Posner and DeAngelis… Continue Reading The Contemporary Neurology Series by Oxford University Press […]
New 3D Anatomy on AccessMedicine: BioDigital Focused System Modules
BioDigital Focused System Modules are a collection of over 300+ interactive, 3-D modules that cover 17 specialties. They were designed to deliver a focused learning experience while also offering a deep-dive into the foundational textbooks on AccessMedicine. These are not just anatomy modules, but simple animated illustrations of organs, diseases, processes, and conditions affecting the human… Continue Reading New 3D Anatomy on AccessMedicine: BioDigital Focused System Modules […]
SAGE Research Methods for Data Science and Statistical Methods
Sage Research Methods aids faculty who oversee research papers and theses requiring original research in the sciences and those who teach statistical methods to students. It provides in-depth understanding of advanced research methods and includes online access to the complete Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences (QASS) series, also known as The Little Green… Continue Reading SAGE Research Methods for Data Science and Statistical Methods […]
ClinicalKey: beyond ebooks and ejournals
ClinicalKey from Elsevier is a database of medical reference works from expert authors. It also provides clinical practice guidelines, clinical trials, point-of-care clinical monographs, procedural guides, images, videos, drug information, and patient education handouts in English and Spanish. The database is aimed at providing decision and diagnostic support and includes a broad range of content:… Continue Reading ClinicalKey: beyond ebooks and ejournals […]
What’s your impact? Presenting the New Citation Report in Web of Science
The new Citation Report tool in the Web of Science database lets you measure the impact and reach of your research or the research of any author in the sciences. Track who is citing your publications and with what frequency an article is cited. Simply go to Web of Science, conduct an author search, then… Continue Reading What’s your impact? Presenting the New Citation Report in Web of Science […]
Car Repair, Genealogy, Hobbies, Legal Forms, Resumes and more: TexShare Resources at the TMC Library
Did you know that the TMC Library offers a wide range of resources beyond health and medicine? The TMC Library provides access to 69 TexShare databases, academic and general databases provided through a program offered by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Through TexShare, users have access to the content of popular magazines, the Chilton Car… Continue Reading Car Repair, Genealogy, Hobbies, Legal Forms, Resumes and more: TexShare Resources at the TMC Library […]