Explore a wide range of Palliative and End-of-Life Care resources at the TMC Library.
The goal of palliative care is to address the impact of serious illness by managing symptoms, improving quality of life, providing emotional support and ensuring that the plan of care aligns with patient and family goals
Care for the dying or critically ill patient carries its own complex sets of issues for practitioners and caregivers, including feelings of helplessness, burnout and guilt.
As some of the books in this collection describe, the social, cultural and religious attitudes toward pain, death and dying can also influence patient care. Palliative and end-of-life care is an important topic for doctors and nurses who are treating patients with terminal and critical illnesses, which is inevitable for most practitioners, regardless of specialty.
In addition to our Palliative Care resources, the library offers other subject-focused collections on a wide range of topics, including: Naturopathic & Complementary Medicine, Sleep Medicine and Regenerative Medicine.