DigitalCommons@TMC has reached milestone of 2,000,005 total downloads today, with a collection of 14,685 items in total, viewed by 227 countries worldwide by 29,933 institutions. When was last time that you visited the DigitalCommons@TMC site?
DigitalCommons@TMC, a continuously growing collection shares, publishes and preserves works produced by faculty, scientists and students at TMC institutions. Many of the audio and video recordings on this collection were digitized byJohn P. McGovern Historical Collections & Research Center in Historical A/V from the TMC: 1973-1991. To see our latest featured collections this month, visit our Monthly Spotlight, which changes on a monthly basis featuring digital collections from John P. McGovern Historical Collections & Research Center. Other monthly spotlights also include selective Open Journals and Dissertations and Theses.
If you are affiliated with a TMC institution, we invite you to deposit your materials to share your work on a global scale, to ensure your contribution to health sciences remains a visible part of TMC’s digital legacy. Find out more from the Get Started Guide or Contact Us for more info.