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Make A Gift

Make a Gift

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Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required to ensure accurate recording of your gift. You will be prompted for your donation amount after filling out this information.

More information about the archives and special collections can be found at the McGovern Historical Center website at John P. McGovern Historical Collections & Research Center Website

Tributee Information

When you make a gift in honor of or in memory of someone, we will send the honoree or the family of the memorialized person a special card notifying them of your gift. Please indicate below the name and address to whom the tribute notification card should be mailed.

 Is your donation on behalf of a company or an individual?

Name of Company/Individual

Your Contact Information

Address to Send Acknowledgement *:

Will another company / organization be matching your contribution? *

Matching Gift Information

Will this donation be potentially matched? If you know the following information regarding the matching gift, please complete.

Other Ways to Make a Gift

By Mail

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