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Texas Medical Center A/V History Video on YouTube

Screenshot from Texas Medical Center A/V History, 2023, 2-minute video about AV technology through history at the TMC Library.

by Matt Richardson, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian.

One of the things about digitizing old videotapes is that you never quite know what you’ll find until you’re able to watch them. One of the themes that emerged from our recent A/V digitization project was the importance of audio, video, and network technologies in the evolution of the Texas Medical Center (TMC). Programs such as “The Texas Medical Center” (1972), “Visions” (1985), “Visions Fulfilled” (1990) and “The Power of a Dream” (1998) touted the advances in communications technologies in use throughout the TMC. Likewise, several newly digitized programs showed how these technologies have long been a part of the work of the TMC Library.

To showcase this theme, we’ve put together a two-minute highlight reel where the TMC’s communications technologies are the star.

As recording technologies like VHS and 3/4″ U-matic tapes age, the Library continues to play its part as archivists preserve this audiovisual history for the future.

Credits: All materials showcased in this program are from IC 002 Texas Medical Center records, McGovern Historical Center, TMC Library

Digitization was made possible by funding from the South Central Academic Medical Libraries Consortium.