Ask a Librarian

Metadata Team in Japan

By Philip Montgomery
Head of the McGovern Historical Center

TMCL archivists and COO in Tokyo
Gakushuin University, Tokyo. January 28, 2015. After a full day of talking about metadata, we stumbled outside to a cold dark day. We were hungry, but jubilant after crawling over some hurdles about naming conventions and metadata schemes. Enough is enough. From left to right, Yo Hashimoto, Philip Montgomery, Sandra Yates, Izumi Hirano, Professor Irisawa, Dr. Kaori Maekawa, Owen Ellard.

In the last week of January, Owen Ellard, the Chief Operating Officer of the TMC Library, Sandra Yates, the archivist and special collections librarian, and I traveled to Gakushuin University in Tokyo as guests of the university as part of an ongoing project to digitize the papers of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. The trip was funded through a generous grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Professor Masahito Ando is the principle investigator for the grant and served as our host.
In this photo, we had just emerged from a conference room where we spent most of the day discussing metadata and working out details for our digital pilot project. Sandra and I have been working with this team of Gakushuin archival graduate students for more than a year, which included several predawn Skype meetings. Working in person with this team was great fun. When this photo was taken I was a bit dazed and hungry enough to be verging on cranky. Then we headed off to an unforgettable night of great food and conversation.