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Medical World News Publications Series

We’re excited to provide an additional way to explore the Medical World News Photograph Collection (IC 077) on our collections site. The Publication Series includes selected pages from each issue of Medical World News Volumes 1 – 35. Pages include cover page, masthead, table of contents, acknowledgements, and (in most cases) advertisement index. This series give insight into the information published in the magazine from 1960-1994, and the photographs that may exist in the collection.

The collection is estimated to have roughly 500,000 images, and it is comprised of 22,003 folders within 424 document boxes and 8 oversize boxes, equaling 218 cubic feet. It is one of our largest collections. We hope that having the more details about the contents of the issues viewable and searchable within the PDFs, researchers will discover images.

Follow the link below to explore the Medical World News Publication Series: