by Sandra Yates, Head of McGovern Historical Center
October is Archives Month! The TMC Library is celebrating with a special opportunity to support the McGovern Historical Center. You can help the McGovern Historical Center secure the history of the Texas Medical Center by adopting a box. Every tax-deductible gift of $50 or more will get your name permanently inscribed on an actual collection box in the archives.

What does it mean to Adopt a Box?
Simply, you provide us with enough funds to purchase supplies that will preserve the materials within an unprocessed box. That includes a new acid-free archival box and all the folders, buffered paper, and polyester document/photograph preservers needed to preserve the materials in that box. While there is no additional responsibility on your part, your name will be permanently labeled on an existing box in the archive. As a thank you, you will also receive a portrait of your box (like the image above) and letter of certification that indicates the collection and box number location in the archives. You are welcome to visit your box at the McGovern Historical Center to just say, “Hi!” or take a selfie with it for your Instagram page. While archival boxes are typically very introverted and keep to themselves, they enjoy visiting with loved ones (that’s you!). Make an appointment at our El Rio location, and we’ll have your box ready when you arrive.
All levels of donation are welcome and support our work. Every donation goes a long way at the McGovern Historical Center. Here are a few examples of how we utilize financial support:
- $10 buys an archival box to preserve papers
- $50 preserves one box of collection materials
- $250 buys permanent archival labels for boxes
- $500 purchases film preservation supplies
- $1,500 supports a year of online access to our collections
- $5,000 helps us fund a 12-week internship for an archives student
Financial gifts made during October include three levels of special recognition:
- Donors of $5 or more will receive special thanks
- Donors of $50 or more will have their name permanently inscribed on an archival box label
- Donors of $250 or more will be invited to a reception in the McGovern Rare Book Collection early in 2024.
Help the campaign follow and tag #Give2History on Instagram, Xtwitter, and Facebook. With your support, we hope to preserve 20 boxes for the month.
Tell Your Friends
Download our Give2History social media graphics and share on any social platform. You can also print and share the Give2History-flyer (PDF).