By Matt Richardson, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian.
After processing the Lucille Baird papers, we noticed the handful of letters that had been saved weren’t just any old correspondence—they were actually Christmas greetings. The cards and letters came from Robert and Lillie Jolly, who served as Superintendent and Director of the Hospital Training School for Nurses at Houston’s Baptist Memorial Hospital. Baird had worked as a P.B.X. operator and later in the front office at the hospital (which became Memorial Hospital and eventually Memorial Hermann).
In Christmas cards and handwritten notes from 1926, 1927, and 1928, the Jollys express their appreciation for Lucille Baird’s work and offer her a $5.00 gold coin as a Christmas bonus (the coin itself didn’t make it to the archives).
To mark the holiday season, we’re sharing the notes and their transcriptions here:

XMas 1926
$5.00 gold coin
Dear Miss Baird:
This little coin is not for you to go to housekeeping on, but just a token of appreciation from this hospital for you + your sweet + [illegible] ways. We have never seen you angry or cross + we wish you all the joy of the Xmas time + for us the joy of having you a long time. In other words, this hospital is for you strong + still.
Your friends,
Mr. + Mrs. Jolly

XMas 1927
Dear Lucille B.R.–
Another year has gone by + Xmas is here again. Your conscientious attention to duty + your cheerful smile + sweet disposition are good to have around. You do us all good to see you. You keep us out of the “dumps.”
$5.00 gold coin.
This little coin is not much + certainly does not express our appreciation adequately, but it is just a Xmas token to say Merry Xmas + Happy New Year.
We wish you + your husband the best of everything for 1928.
Your friends,
Mr. + Mrs Jolly

Christmas 1928
Dear Miss Baird – Another year has flown swiftly by + you are at your post of duty, faithful, smiling + efficient. In fact you beat the world in keeping sweet + cheerful + it is a great joy to all of us to have you with this institution.
This gold piece would have to be a mighty big one to represent your value to the Baptist Hospital.
We just want to wish you + yours a Merry Xmas.
Mr. + Mrs. Jolly